Announcing the Lower League eCup Celebrity Cup
On Saturday, March 28th, seven notable members of the lower league soccer community will come together to kick off the 2020 Lower League E-Cup. The 2020 Lower League E-Cup “Celebrity” Cup presented by Protagonist Soccer and Hotspot Conferencing will begin with the Xbox One tournament at 8:00pm (eastern) followed by a PS4 tournament at 9:30pm (eastern).
As part of an initiative to encourage fan engagement in these unprecedented times, several supporters groups have expressed interest in holding an “online tailgate” for the cup. Throughout both the celebrity and main cup, we encourage supporters, players, and fans alike to share how they are watching the cup through social media, by tagging @lowerleagueEcup and using the hashtag, #eCuptailgate.
All matches in the “celebrity” cup will be streamed on twitch, streaming channels will be announced prior to the cup.
Participants and Schedule
Xbox One
Damon Gochneau (Owner, Denton Diablos)
Nicholas Mendola (NBC Soccer, Owner, FC Buffalo)
Matt Kahla Jr. (National Director of the UPSL)
Small World Soccer
Protagonist Soccer (Represented by writer Phil Baki)
Dennis Pope (Director of Communications, UPSL)
Frank Lopez (Player, OKC Energy, USL Championship, Grassroots Soccer Product)
Schedule (Times Eastern)
8:00pm Xbox One Semifinal #1 (Damon Gochneaur vs. Nicholas Mendola)
8:30pm Xbox One Semifinal #2 (Matt Kahla Jr. vs. Small World Soccer)
9:00pm Xbox One Final
9:30pm PS4 Match #1 (Protagonist Soccer vs. Dennis Pope)
10:00pm PS4 Match #2 (Dennis Pope vs. Frank Lopez)
10:30pm PS4 Match #3 (Protagonist Soccer vs. Frank Lopez)